

Web development refers to the process of creating websites or web applications. The main process of web development includes web design, web content development, client-server page scripting and network security configuration.

The frontend is the part of a website that users can see and interact with. It is created using technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Backend is the server-side part of a website and includes the server, the application and the database. It is created using programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java and .NET.

A framework is a collection of software libraries that help developers create robust and efficient web applications. It provides a structure and a set of standards that developers can follow when creating an application.

Responsive design is an approach to web design in which a website is designed to look and function well on different devices with different screen sizes.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It enables communication between two software applications via a set of rules.

A CMS is a software application that enables users to easily create, edit and manage digital content. Examples of CMS are Craft CMS, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

A PWA is a type of web application that utilises the functions of modern browsers to provide users with an app-like experience.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It refers to techniques for improving the visibility of a website in search engine results.

Cookies are small files that are stored by websites in order to personalise a user's surfing experience.

DNS is a system for translating domain names into IP addresses.

Simply put, a hyperlink is a text or image on a web page that, when clicked, takes you to another web page (external hyperlink) or another location on the same web page (internal hyperlink). They are like links that allow you to jump from one page to another on the internet by clicking on them.

A server is a specialised computer or software that is used to provide resources, data or services to other computers, devices or users on the network. Servers are the "heart" of many networks and are used to receive and process requests from client computers and send them the requested information.

Example server types include web servers that host web pages and files on the Internet, email servers that send and receive emails, and file servers that store and share files with users on a network. In simple terms, a server is like a host that provides information and services to other devices or computers.

HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language" and is a markup language that is used to create and structure websites. It defines the elements and tags that characterise the content of a website, such as headings, paragraphs, images and links. HTML is used by web developers to define the basic structure of a web page. It represents the text and the basic structure, which is then designed by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

CSS, or "Cascading Style Sheets", is a language that is used for the styling and appearance of websites. With CSS, web developers can define the design, colours, fonts and layout of a website. CSS makes it possible to separate the appearance of a website from its content, which makes the design more flexible and easier. By using CSS, websites can be designed to be attractive and user-friendly.

JavaScript is a programming language used in web development to add dynamic and interactive functions to websites. With JavaScript, developers can control user interactions, check forms, create animations and react to events. JavaScript makes it possible to make websites more lively and functional. It is often used in conjunction with HTML and CSS to create modern and interactive websites.

Accessible design involves designing websites and applications that can be easily used by people with different abilities and disabilities. This includes the use of clear, easy-to-read text, alternative text for images, keyboard accessibility and consideration of contrast and colour choices for better visibility.

Here are some key aspects that should be considered when creating accessible designs:

  • Alternative texts for images: Images and graphics should be provided with descriptive alternative texts. These texts are read aloud by screen readers and enable visually impaired users to understand the content. It is important to provide precise and clear descriptions.
  • Semantic HTML elements: The use of semantic HTML, such as headings (h1, h2, etc.) and lists, improves the structure and comprehensibility of the web page. Screen readers use these elements to interpret the content in a meaningful way.
  • Contrast and colours: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colours. This is particularly important to ensure that text is easy to read, even for people with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard accessibility: Make sure that all interactions on your website or in your application can be carried out using the keyboard. This is crucial for people who cannot use a mouse.
  • Forms and validation: Forms should be well structured and contain clear instructions. Error messages should be displayed in simple, understandable text to help users make corrections.
  • Aria labels: Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to provide special information for screen readers. ARIA labels can be used to describe and explain non-standard user interface elements.
  • Review and testing: Regular review and testing with actual users with disabilities is critical to ensure that accessibility design principles have been implemented effectively.

Accessible design is not only an ethical obligation, but also extends the reach and accessibility of your website or application to a wider user base. It is important to integrate these principles into the design process to ensure that digital content is accessible to all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

The viewport is a concept in web design and web development that describes the visible area of a website on the screen of a device. Every device, be it a computer screen, a smartphone or a tablet, has a specific screen size on which web content is displayed.

The viewport defines the visible area on this screen in which the content of a web page is displayed. This visible area can be smaller than the actual website, especially on mobile devices. To ensure that websites look and function well on different devices, it is important to understand the concept of the viewport and make appropriate adjustments.

Web designers and developers use meta tags in the HTML structure to control the viewport. This allows the website to be scaled and customised so that it displays correctly on different screen sizes and resolutions. A well-optimised viewport contributes to the user-friendliness and overall adaptability of websites on different devices.

A font, often referred to simply as a "font", is a collection of character sets and letter styles used to display text and typefaces in a document or on a website. Fonts include all letters, numbers, special characters and symbols in different styles and sizes. They are an important part of the visual design of text and make it possible to display text in an appealing and varied way.

Fonts can come in a variety of formats, including TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.otf), and web font formats such as WOFF (.woff) or WOFF2 (.woff2). Choosing the right font can have a significant impact on the appearance and effect of a text. There are countless fonts with different styles, from classic and elegant to modern and playful.

Fonts are used in graphic design, web design, print media, office documents and many other areas to present text in a visually appealing and effective way.

As the cost of a website depends on various factors, such as functionalities, design requirements and individual needs, we cannot give you a general price. However, we are happy to offer a free consultation to discuss your specific requirements and provide you with a customised quote.

The time it takes to develop a website varies depending on the complexity, desired functions and individual requirements. We would like to understand your specific needs in order to give you an accurate time estimate. We are happy to offer a free consultation to discuss the scope of your project and give you a realistic timeframe estimate.

Yes, we offer a variety of additional services for your websites, including

  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Content management (text and images)
  • Security checks
  • Reliable web hosting
  • Analytics and reporting

We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements in a personal meeting.

We design our websites to be user-friendly and offer training so that you can make changes later on your own. Thanks to easy-to-understand content management systems (CMS), we enable you to update texts, images and other content easily. If you have any questions or need support, we will of course be happy to help.

Our process includes the following steps:

  • First contact
  • Personal kick-off
  • Project workshop
  • Requirements & specifications
  • Prototype
  • development
  • Quality Control & SEO
  • Acceptance & Go-Live
  • Ongoing maintenance and service

We offer comprehensive support that includes maintenance, further development and monitoring. This also includes cyber security, backups and patches to ensure long-term optimal performance.

Yes, all our websites are optimised for optimal display and user experience on various devices, including mobile devices.

Additional costs may arise for special requirements such as licences or user-defined functions. We clarify these aspects transparently in advance.

Yes, we can integrate special requirements such as accessibility and multilingual support on request in order to fulfil the needs of different target groups.

We perform regular security backups to ensure the integrity of your website and to enable a quick recovery in the event of problems.

We can offer a range of social media integration options to boost your brand's online presence and encourage interaction with your target audience.

Low code or no code is an approach in which websites can be created with little or no programming code. This is usually done using construction kits and block builders, where you can assemble your pages using drag & drop.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)

Simply put, a hyperlink is a text or image on a web page that, when clicked, takes you to another web page (external hyperlink) or another location on the same web page (internal hyperlink). They are like links that allow you to jump from one page to another on the internet by clicking on them.

Crawlers are small computer programmes that search the internet to collect information. They are often used by search engines such as Google or Bing to index websites. Crawlers follow hyperlinks on websites and collect information such as text, images and links. This information is then used by the search engines to provide search results for users. Think of crawlers as digital spiders that search the World Wide Web to collect data.

A sitemap is a special file or page on a website that contains a list of all available pages and content on that website. It is used to show search engines and visitors how the website is structured and which pages it contains. A sitemap helps search engine crawlers to crawl the website efficiently as they can find all relevant information about the pages in one place. For visitors, a sitemap can be useful to quickly navigate to specific content or pages, especially on large websites. In simple terms, a sitemap is a kind of table of contents for a website.

A bot is a computer programme that performs automated tasks on the internet or other digital platforms. Bots can perform a variety of tasks, from simple ones like collecting data on websites to complex ones like answering customer queries in customer support. Some bots are useful and helpful, while others are used for malicious or unwanted activities, such as spamming on social media. In a way, bots are like small digital robots that can perform certain tasks autonomously or on command.

Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They increase the credibility and ranking of your website, as search engines see them as recommendations. These can come from a business directory or a review platform, for example.

The meta description is a short text that is displayed in the search results of a search engine under the page title (title tag). It serves to concisely summarise the content of the respective website and encourage potential visitors to click on the link to the website.

The meta description has an important function in search engine optimisation (SEO), as it influences the click-through rate and helps to attract users to a particular website. A well-written and relevant meta description can pique users' interest and entice them to visit the website.

Technical SEO aspects are optimisation measures that affect the technical level of a website and serve to improve search engine optimisation (SEO). These include loading time optimisation, mobile friendliness, secure connection (HTTPS), XML sitemap, Robots.txt file, cleanly structured URL, header tags (H1, H2, etc.), canonical tags, 404 error pages and schema markup. These measures help search engines to index and evaluate the website efficiently, which can have a positive effect on the ranking.

Local SEO strategies aim to increase the visibility of a website or business in local search results. This includes optimising the Google My Business listing, using local keywords, building local backlinks, collecting reviews, creating locally relevant content and using social media. Mobile optimisation and linking to local events are also important to strengthen local presence and attract local customers.

The loading time of a website influences SEO, as it has a significant impact on the user experience and the ranking in the search results. Fast loading times increase user satisfaction and minimise the bounce rate, which can have a positive effect on the ranking. Slow loading times, on the other hand, can deter visitors and lead to a lower ranking. Therefore, optimising load times, including compressing images, reducing scripts and using content delivery networks (CDNs), is of great importance for SEO.

The time spent on a website is an important factor for SEO, as it provides information on how satisfactory the website is for visitors. The longer visitors stay on a page, the more positive the user experience is rated. This can have a positive effect on the ranking. A long dwell time indicates that the website offers relevant and valuable content that interests and retains users.

Short dwell times, on the other hand, can indicate dissatisfied visitors who leave the site quickly. This can lead to higher bounce rates and have a negative impact on the ranking. It is therefore important to provide high-quality content that appeals to visitors and encourages them to stay longer on the website. This can be achieved through engaging text, multimedia content and a user-friendly design.

Organic search results are the entries that are displayed on the search results page of search engines (such as Google) when you enter a search query. These results are not paid for by advertising, but are based on their relevance to the search query entered. They are usually found below the paid adverts. Organic search results are determined by search engine algorithms and can rise in the rankings due to SEO optimisation and quality content.

The opposite of organic search results are paid search results or adverts. Paid means that companies or website operators pay money to the search engine to place their website or products at the top of the search results. These adverts are usually labelled with terms such as "advert" or "sponsored" and often appear above the organic search results. Unlike organic search results, paid search results are not the result of relevance to the search query, but are controlled by advertising budgets.


Simply put, a hyperlink is a text or image on a web page that, when clicked, takes you to another web page (external hyperlink) or another location on the same web page (internal hyperlink). They are like links that allow you to jump from one page to another on the internet by clicking on them.

A bot is a computer programme that performs automated tasks on the internet or other digital platforms. Bots can perform a variety of tasks, from simple ones like collecting data on websites to complex ones like answering customer queries in customer support. Some bots are useful and helpful, while others are used for malicious or unwanted activities, such as spamming on social media. In a way, bots are like small digital robots that can perform certain tasks autonomously or on command.

The browser cache is a memory that your web browser uses to temporarily store certain data from websites. When you visit a website, some of its data, such as images, stylesheets and scripts, are stored in your browser cache. This allows the website to load faster the next time you visit it, as your browser uses the saved data instead of downloading it again from the server.

The browser cache improves the loading times of websites and reduces data transfer, which increases efficiency when surfing the internet. However, it may sometimes be necessary to clear the cache to ensure that you see the latest content from a website or to fix problems caused by outdated cache data. In simple terms, the browser cache is like a temporary storage for website data to make web browsing faster and more efficient.

HTTPS stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure". It is a secure version of the HTTP protocol used for transferring data on the internet. The "s" in "https" indicates that the communication between your web browser and the website is encrypted to ensure security and data protection. Websites that process sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details should use HTTPS.

The "cloud" refers to remote servers and services that are accessible via the internet. Instead of storing data and applications locally on your own computer or device, you can store them in the cloud and access them from anywhere. This allows you to back up files, access online applications and share data with others. Well-known cloud services include Dropbox, Google Drive and iCloud.

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that encrypts and anonymises your internet connection. It routes your internet traffic through servers in different locations, which hides your IP address and protects your online activity. VPNs are used to increase privacy and security on the internet, allow access to geo-restricted content and protect sensitive data from prying eyes.

  • Upload: When uploading, you upload files or data from your computer or device to a server or another online platform. This allows you to share files with others or save them in the cloud.
  • Download: When downloading, you download files or data from a server or website to your own computer or device. This allows you to save content such as music, videos, documents or software on your device so that you can use it.

A server is a specialised computer or software that is used to provide resources, data or services to other computers, devices or users on the network. Servers are the "heart" of many networks and are used to receive and process requests from client computers and send them the requested information.

Example server types include web servers that host web pages and files on the Internet, email servers that send and receive emails, and file servers that store and share files with users on a network. In simple terms, a server is like a host that provides information and services to other devices or computers.

Social Media

Social media are online platforms and services that companies can use to communicate, share content and interact with their target audience. These platforms offer companies the opportunity to present their products, services and messages to a wide audience and at the same time collect feedback and opinions from customers.

By utilising social media, companies can build customer loyalty, increase brand awareness and engage with potential customers. They can create posts and adverts to target their audience and track the success of their marketing efforts.

Social media is an essential tool for businesses to grow their online presence and compete in today's digital world. It provides a platform for businesses to connect with customers, showcase themselves and encourage dialogue. In simple terms, social media allows businesses to be visible online and interact with their target audience.


  • Graphic design focuses on the design of visual elements for various media, such as print, digital graphics and advertising materials.
  • Web design refers specifically to the design of websites and includes the design of website layouts, user interfaces and interactive elements for the internet.

The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio (approximately 1.618) that is considered aesthetically pleasing. In design, the golden ratio is used to harmonise layouts and proportions. Elements are arranged in such a way that the ratio between them corresponds to the golden ratio.

Mockups are templates or models that represent the visual appearance of a design, often in the form of static images or interactive prototypes. They are used to visualise design ideas before they are implemented and allow designers and clients to see the final product before it is developed.

Accessible design involves designing websites and applications that can be easily used by people with different abilities and disabilities. This includes the use of clear, easy-to-read text, alternative text for images, keyboard accessibility and consideration of contrast and colour choices for better visibility.

Here are some key aspects that should be considered when creating accessible designs:

  • Alternative texts for images: Images and graphics should be provided with descriptive alternative texts. These texts are read aloud by screen readers and enable visually impaired users to understand the content. It is important to provide precise and clear descriptions.
  • Semantic HTML elements: The use of semantic HTML, such as headings (h1, h2, etc.) and lists, improves the structure and comprehensibility of the web page. Screen readers use these elements to interpret the content in a meaningful way.
  • Contrast and colours: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colours. This is particularly important to ensure that text is easy to read, even for people with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard accessibility: Make sure that all interactions on your website or in your application can be carried out using the keyboard. This is crucial for people who cannot use a mouse.
  • Forms and validation: Forms should be well structured and contain clear instructions. Error messages should be displayed in simple, understandable text to help users make corrections.
  • Aria labels: Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to provide special information for screen readers. ARIA labels can be used to describe and explain non-standard user interface elements.
  • Review and testing: Regular review and testing with actual users with disabilities is critical to ensure that accessibility design principles have been implemented effectively.

Accessible design is not only an ethical obligation, but also extends the reach and accessibility of your website or application to a wider user base. It is important to integrate these principles into the design process to ensure that digital content is accessible to all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

The viewport is a concept in web design and web development that describes the visible area of a website on the screen of a device. Every device, be it a computer screen, a smartphone or a tablet, has a specific screen size on which web content is displayed.

The viewport defines the visible area on this screen in which the content of a web page is displayed. This visible area can be smaller than the actual website, especially on mobile devices. To ensure that websites look and function well on different devices, it is important to understand the concept of the viewport and make appropriate adjustments.

Web designers and developers use meta tags in the HTML structure to control the viewport. This allows the website to be scaled and customised so that it displays correctly on different screen sizes and resolutions. A well-optimised viewport contributes to the user-friendliness and overall adaptability of websites on different devices.

A font, often referred to simply as a "font", is a collection of character sets and letter styles used to display text and typefaces in a document or on a website. Fonts include all letters, numbers, special characters and symbols in different styles and sizes. They are an important part of the visual design of text and make it possible to display text in an appealing and varied way.

Fonts can come in a variety of formats, including TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.otf), and web font formats such as WOFF (.woff) or WOFF2 (.woff2). Choosing the right font can have a significant impact on the appearance and effect of a text. There are countless fonts with different styles, from classic and elegant to modern and playful.

Fonts are used in graphic design, web design, print media, office documents and many other areas to present text in a visually appealing and effective way.

Fun Facts

Although IT experts are not real witches, for many people they have a magical aura. For those not versed in the arcane arts of technology, the skills of an IT professional can seem like magic. They juggle incomprehensible codes, solve problems with a flick of their wand (or click of a mouse) and are able to conjure seemingly lost data from the digital abyss. So in a way, we could say that IT people are the modern-day wizards of technology, casting a spell over us in the world of bits and bytes.

An "Id10t error" is actually a humorous term used in the IT industry and in technical support to refer to human error. The acronym "Id10T" stands for "Idiot", which means "idiot". It is a humorous way of referring to human error or user error without directly accusing or criticising anyone.

Instead of saying that someone has made an "idiot mistake", the term "Id10t error" is sometimes used to shift the blame to an imaginary technical or computer-related cause. It is therefore a humorous and often joking way of describing human errors in technical contexts without wanting to offend anyone.

The first book in the "For Dummies" series was written in 1991 by John Kilcullen and Dan Gookin with the title "DOS For Dummies". This book series has since expanded considerably and contains a variety of textbooks on different topics written in an accessible and easy to understand manner.

Communicating with household appliances such as a coffee machine does not normally require a programming language. Coffee machines are not usually designed to be programmed directly. Instead, they typically use physical switches, buttons and timers to brew coffee.

However, if you're a hobbyist and tech enthusiast, you could theoretically use a programming language like Arduino to create an automated controller for your coffee machine. However, this is an advanced project and requires a deep understanding of electronics and programming. Also note that such modifications could invalidate the warranty of your coffee machine. It is therefore advisable to be careful and ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Of course! A bit is like a tiny light switch that is either on (1) or off (0). It is the smallest unit of data in computer technology. A byte, on the other hand, is a group of 8 bits, and it is like a small container that stores information. While a bit has only two possible states (0 or 1), a byte can represent 256 different combinations of 0s and 1s. This means that bytes are used to store larger amounts of data, such as letters, numbers and symbols that are displayed on your computer screen.

The Rubik's Cube was actually invented by a brilliant Hungarian architect and professor called Ernő Rubik. He developed the cube in 1974, originally as a three-dimensional model to visualise geometric principles. It is not an extraterrestrial or dimensional artefact.

Künstliche Intelligenz

Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein faszinierendes und vielfältiges Gebiet, das viele Anwendungen und Herausforderungen bietet. In dieser FAQ-Sektion finden Sie Antworten auf einige häufig gestellte Fragen zu KI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer programmes and systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. They use algorithms and data to recognise patterns, make decisions and perform tasks. AI can include, for example, speech recognition, image processing and automated decision making.

AI has many applications in everyday life. Examples include personalised recommendations in online shops, voice assistants such as Siri and chatbots for customer service. In medicine, AI helps with the diagnosis of diseases, and in the automotive industry it is used for self-driving cars.

Weak AI (also known as narrow AI) specialises in completing a specific task without any awareness or understanding of its own. Strong AI (also known as Artificial General Intelligence or AGI) would be able to solve tasks that require human intelligence and would have a comprehensive understanding and awareness of its own. At present, we are mainly dealing with weak AI.

In AI, machines and algorithms learn by analysing large volumes of data. They use techniques such as machine learning and neural networks to recognise patterns and correlations in the data. Through repeated learning and adaptation, they improve their ability to complete tasks more efficiently.

With the development of AI, ethical issues arise, such as data protection, discrimination, transparency and accountability. There are concerns about the misuse of AI and automated decision-making, especially when it comes to human rights and social impact.

Yes, AI can support human creativity and create art. There are AI algorithms that can generate paintings, music and literature. They are based on patterns and styles that they have learnt from data. AI can inspire artists and enable new creative approaches.

AI plays a central role in speech recognition by converting human speech into text or commands. In translation, AI enables machine translations between different languages. Platforms such as Google Translate use AI to translate texts in real time.

When using AI in cyber security, there are challenges such as identifying threats, detecting attacks quickly and defending against cyber attacks. There is also a risk that attackers will use AI to refine and automate their attacks, making defence more complex. It is important to ensure the security of AI systems to minimise such risks.