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Stable Diffusion

The future of unique image generation

A visual world

Visual representation is becoming increasingly important in today's world. Thanks to Instagram, Pinterest & Co, we are becoming more and more used to visual content and text is becoming less and less important. Whether for websites, blog posts or marketing, the ability to generate realistic images has become increasingly important.

If you want to create images yourself that stand out from the competition, you can use generative artificial intelligence, such as a deep learning text-to-image generator. Today we take you on a journey of discovery into the world of a fascinating tool called Stable Diffusion. It's a revolutionary image generation technique that changed the way we create and use images forever.

The most important features

Stable Diffusion is a highly developed method based on mathematical principles and deep machine learning. The open source software is mostly used to generate images based on text descriptions. You don't have to stick to realism and can, for example, generate a panda bear in a bar or an astronaut on a horse. The possibilities are endless and limited only by our own imagination.

However, the tool can also be used for similar tasks such as inpainting and outpainting in images and the generation of picture-to-picture images.

Stable Diffusion has unique features:

Realism and quality

It makes it possible to create images that are almost indistinguishable from real photos. Of course, we are still at the beginning and the AI-generated images sometimes have special characteristics, such as incorrect proportions or people with 6 fingers. However, even these problems can be greatly reduced with the right techniques. In any case, the results have already achieved photorealism and, with the right techniques, are of excellent quality.

Customizability and creativity

Stable Diffusion offers impressive customizability and allows artists and designers to turn their creative ideas into reality. The technology enables the creation of images in different styles and categories. Whether it's people in space, birds underwater or fish on mountains, there are virtually no limits to your creative ideas. You can also add new objects or other backgrounds to images through inpainting and even swap faces... a bit like Snapchat/Instagram filters.

Own training

Stable Diffusion is based on intensive training of neural networks and uses advanced mathematical models to generate realistic images. Models can also be trained and further developed without mathematics. This allows you to perfect your own styles or train and perfect existing models on dogs or cats, for example.

Versatile use

The technique offers remarkable versatility and can be used in a wide range of applications, from the art world to commercial sectors, to achieve high quality and stable results.

Usable on your own hardware

One of the most outstanding features is that you can use Stable Diffusion on your own hardware, which can be particularly interesting for agencies or companies and has many advantages:

  1. Performance increase: If you have powerful hardware, the execution of complex calculations required for Stable Diffusion can be accelerated, which can lead to faster results.
  2. Data protection and security: By using your own hardware, you have more control over your data and can ensure that sensitive information is not transmitted externally.
  3. Customization options: Proprietary hardware provides the ability to customize and scale resources as needed to meet specific requirements.
  4. Independence from external service providers: Using your own hardware makes you less dependent on external service providers and gives you greater flexibility and control.
  5. Cost efficiency: In some cases, the use of in-house hardware could be more cost-efficient in the long term than the continuous use of external cloud services.

If you are curious, we will be happy to advise you on the subject.

Application examples: Where companies can benefit from its use

Stable diffusion has already made amazing progress in creative content development. Currently, it is mainly used in the generation of unconventional visual elements, from art and design to computer games. But while Stable Diffusion is thriving in the creative world, we are only at the beginning of its potential. We take a look at the use cases for the technology and explore how you can benefit from its use today.

  1. Art and Design: Artists and designers can use Stable Diffusion to create realistic artwork ranging from paintings to digital illustrations.
  2. Advertising and marketing: In the advertising industry, Stable Diffusion can help create stunning visual content for advertising campaigns and brand messaging that clearly stands out from competitors' images.
  3. Gaming and Animation: In the gaming and animation industry, Stable Diffusion can be used to create high-quality characters, scenes and effects.
  4. Film and entertainment: Filmmakers and producers can use Stable Diffusion to create visual effects, backgrounds and digital sets.
  5. Product visualization: Companies, especially in the e-commerce industry, can use Stable Diffusion to generate realistic product images that give customers a better understanding of products.
  6. Architecture and real estate: Architects and real estate agents can use Stable Diffusion to create realistic 3D models of buildings and interiors.
  7. Creative projects: For custom or creative projects, Stable Diffusion can help artists and crafters create unique visual content.

Stable Diffusion's wide range of applications makes it a valuable tool for businesses and creatives to create stunning visual content and take their projects to the next level.


As with any technological innovation, there are challenges to overcome with Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion enables the creation of images of the highest quality and realism. Artists and designers can translate their creative ideas into stunning visuals.

However, it is important to note that using Stable Diffusion requires extensive training and in some cases can be computationally and resource intensive. The choice of this tool depends on specific requirements and resources.


Stable Diffusion is undoubtedly an impressive technique that raises the possibilities of realistic image generation to a new level. Despite the challenges associated with its use, Stable Diffusion offers the prospect of images of the highest quality and uniqueness. It is an exciting development in the world of image generation and a promising step into the future.

By the way: We created most of the images on our website with Stable Diffusion!

You can find more information at: or during a detailed consultation with us.

Let us advise you now without obligation

Ready to experience the magic? Contact us today and let's see if and how this system fits into your business. Let's work some magic together, digitize your processes and give you an edge over your competition.

Image by Freepik